Saturday, June 13, 2020

Creative Writing Vs Essay Writing

Creative Writing Vs Essay WritingMany students begin their literary careers by learning how to write a literary masterpiece. When the muse strikes, there are few people who can outshine Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' or Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar.' But as creative writing and essay writing become more popular, it is natural for aspiring writers to think about how they can use their skills to help improve both types of writing.Essay writing has become almost as popular as creative writing. Students today seem to take special pride in being able to submit essays that garner high grades and accolades. In fact, writing an essay is almost like the 'V' form of creative writing, where the writer does not only seek to communicate their ideas to others, but rather, builds on their material to add extra depth and texture.Creative writing, on the other hand, can be quite different from that of essay writing. Unlike creative writing, the purpose of an essay is not to communicate thoughts to others. I t is more about the writer's own experience and as such, allows the student to weave in personal experiences into the essay to draw attention to their own ideas.The advantages of essay writing are two-fold. First, when writing a creative essay, the writer doesn't have to worry about how the material will be received by others. The essay is not attempting to compete with other works in the literary field, so it is free to let the writer write about whatever comes to mind without the fear of being 'mocked at the next house party.' Second, since essays do not have a reader to contend with, they are perfect for those students who have yet to establish themselves in the literary world.But there are some disadvantages of essay writing as well. Since essay writing is more of a generalized article, there is no hard proof that the piece you've written will stand the test of time. Whilecreative writing is much more than an idea, an essay lacks any 'tangible' proof of your ability to write suc h ideas.Another important consideration is the 'bottom line.' Your grade will usually be based on a variety of factors, including your writing style and ability. You should consider these factors carefully before deciding which type of writing style is best for you. Whether you write an essay or a creative piece, if you are unable to adequately communicate your ideas, your grade will suffer accordingly.Essays usually require more work than creative pieces. The essay itself may take more time to complete than the average piece of literature. Not only is this due to the length of the essay, but also due to the fact that many of the ingredients of a good essay are not required in a creative piece. After all, you cannot make a story up, so instead of 'writing' a story, you must 'discuss' it in an essay.While some writers believe that creative writing trumps essay writing in many ways, it is still up to each individual's opinion. When considering whether one is better suited for one over the other, be sure to consider both sides of the coin. It could be the case that essay writing is a better way to go, while creative writing is the perfect way to take your career to the next level.

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